All the information you need regarding errors encountered when using Brankas API.
Error codes are alarming. We have collated error codes with descriptions enabling you to make informed decisions.
Transaction Codes
Direct Code | Source endpoint | Error | Description |
DIRDXXX5000 | All | Generic error for unhandled errors | Generic error |
DIRDXXX5041 | All | Merchant has updated the flagged transaction as failed | Flagged transaction settlement failed |
DIRDXXX5045 | All | System failed to perform bank login. Error could be due to invalid user credentials or integration. The integrations doesnt support such error codes. | Failed to perform bank login |
DIRDXXX4080 | All | User transaction exceeded the expiry | Transaction expired |
DIRDXXX4081 | All | User cancelled the transaction | Transaction cancelled |
DIRDXXX4082 | All | User denied consent | Consent denied |
DIRDXXX4083 | All | User exceeded the in-app TFA timeout | in-app TFA timeout |
DIRDXXX4084 | All | User exceeded the QR code timeout | QR timeout |
DIRDXXX4087 | All | User has a concurrent login or did not terminate previous transaction | Concurrent login is not allowed |
DIRDXXX2000 | All | Successful transaction | Generic success |
DIRDXXX2003 | All | Flagged transaction - neither success or failed, needs manual verification | Flagged transaction |
DIRDXXX5002 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | System failed to verify request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4069 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | Merchant has entered an invalid date format in start_date field | Invalid value for start_date, should follow: YYYY-MM-DD |
DIRDXXX4070 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | Merchant has entered an invalid date format in end_date field | Invalid value for end_date, should follow: YYYY-MM-DD |
DIRDXXX4071 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | Merchant has entered an invalid date format in completed_start_date field | Invalid value for completed_start_date, should follow: YYYY-MM-DD |
DIRDXXX4072 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | Merchant has entered an invalid date format for completed_start_date field | Invalid value for completed_end_date, should follow: YYYY-MM-DD |
DIRDXXX5011 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | System failed to retrieve the transfer entry from database | Failed to retrieve transaction |
DIRDXXX5012 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | System failed to count the transfer entries from database | Failed to count transactions |
DIRDXXX5026 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | System failed to retrieve the settlement records from database | Rrror retrieving settlements |
DIRDXXX5025 | RetrieveTransfers (GET /transfer) | System failed to convert the settlement records to the response structure | Rrror converting settlements to proto |
DIRDXXX5002 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System failed to check the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX5011 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not retrieve the transfer_task | Failed to retrieve transaction |
DIRDXXX5013 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System failed to create a new transfer entry on the database | Failed to create transaction |
DIRDXXX4008 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant did not include field required: destination_account_id on the request body | Field is required: destination_account_id |
DIRDXXX4048 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant used invalid reference_id | Reference_id already associated with a successful transaction |
DIRDXXX5009 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not retrieve the destination_account | Failed to retrieve destination account |
DIRDXXX4035 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid destination account | Invalid destination account value |
DIRDXXX4033 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid destination account | Selected destination account entry is not enabled |
DIRDXXX5030 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not fetch the account holder details | Failed to retrieve fallback account holder details |
DIRDXXX4047 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered a wrong currency for the selected country | Country and currency do not match |
DIRDXXX4049 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for BCA source bank | Only 18 characters are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4050 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for BRI source bank | Only 20 combined characters of letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4051 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for Mandiri source bank | Only 100 combined characters of letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4052 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for BNI source bank | Only 255 characters are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4053 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for BDO source bank | Only 255 combined characters of letters, numbers, period, and spaces are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4054 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for BPI source bank | Only 110 combined characters of letters, numbers, comma, period, apostrophe, dash, and spaces are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4055 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for RCBC source bank | Only 30 combined characters of letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4056 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for PNB source bank | Only 50 combined characters of letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4057 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has entered an invalid user memo for UnionBank source bank | Only 256 combined characters of letters, numbers, period, dash, comma, @, and spaces are allowed in the memo field for this source bank |
DIRDXXX4028 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has selected a disabled source bank | Bank code not supported |
DIRDXXX4029 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has selected a disabled source bank | The chosen source bank is currently not supported |
DIRDXXX4032 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has selected a disabled or an unsupported bank pair | The chosen source and destination bank pair is currently not supported: <SOURCE_BANK> - <DEST_BANK> |
DIRDXXX4031 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has selected a disabled or an unsupported bank pair | The chosen source and destination bank pair have different countries: <SOURCE_BANK> - <DEST_BANK> |
DIRDXXX4045 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant has selected an invalid currency from the source bank | Invalid currency value: <EXPECTED_CUR> - <ACTUAL_CUR> |
DIRDXXX5021 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not parse the intrabank minimum amount from config | Failed to parse intrabank min amount |
DIRDXXX5022 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not parse the intrabank maximum amount from config | Failed to parse intrabank max amount |
DIRDXXX5023 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not parse the interbank minimum amount from config | Failed to parse interbank min amount |
DIRDXXX5024 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not parse the interbank maximum amount from config | Failed to parse interbank max amount |
DIRDXXX5017 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System failed to compare the transaction amount from the min and max allowed amount | Failed to compare transaction amount |
DIRDXXX5020 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System failed to format transaction amount | Failed to format transaction amount |
DIRDXXX5018 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System failed to format the minimum amount | Failed to format min amount |
DIRDXXX5019 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System failed to format the maximum amount | Failed to format max amount |
DIRDXXX4043 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant used an invalid transaction amount | Invalid amount - transaction amount <TXN_AMT> must be in between <MIN_AMT> and <MAX_AMT> |
DIRDXXX5033 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System failed to determine if the current transaction is either interbank or intrabank | Unknown transfer type |
DIRDXXX4038 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | value that does not match bank’s expected country value | Invalid source account value |
DIRDXXX4046 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid currency | Currency not supported |
DIRDXXX4044 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid transaction amount | Invalid transaction amount |
DIRDXXX4040 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for transactions in The Phillipines. | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 1.00 PHP minimum |
DIRDXXX4039 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for ShopeePay(Indonesia) transactions. | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 1,00 IDR minimum |
DIRDXXX4042 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for transactions in Indonesia. | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 10.000,00 IDR minimum |
DIRDXXX4041 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for transactions in Thailand. | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 1.00 THB minimum |
DIRDXXX4038 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | From Type entered is not Bank, From.AccountNumber is empty or From.Country is Unknown/Empty | Invalid source account value |
DIRDXXX4035 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | To.Type entered is not Bank or To.AccountNumber is empty. | Invalid destination account value |
DIRDXXX4066 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Customer’s address is partially filled. | Please provide full customer address or omit customer address entirely if unable |
DIRDXXX4034 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Invalid/unsupported settlement partner/payment channel detected in the transaction | The chosen destination bank is not supported for transfers with this selected settlement partner |
DIRDXXX4036 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant used an invalid destination account (when settlement partner is used) | Invalid recipient - please enter a registered recipient bank account |
DIRDXXX4061 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant did not enter customer payload (a requirement for Paynamics) | Missing customer payload |
DIRDXXX4062 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant did not enter (a requirement for Paynamics) | Missing required email |
DIRDXXX4063 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant did not enter customer.fname (a requirement for Paynamics) | Missing required fname |
DIRDXXX4064 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant did not enter customer.lname (a requirement for Paynamics) | Missing required lname |
DIRDXXX5032 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not determine the environment | Unknown env: |
DIRDXXX4086 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant used an unsupported source bank for the hybrid flow | The chosen source bank is currently not supported for the hybrid flow |
DIRDXXX5042 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | System could not compute the centavos for the given transaction amount and time | Failed to compute cents reconciliation workaround |
DIRDXXX4093 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant selected a source bank that is currently unavailable or offline | offline - we have disabled this source bank temporarily |
DIRDXXX4094 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid customer first name format | Field is an invalid name: customer.fname |
DIRDXXX4095 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid customer middle name format | Field is an invalid name: customer.mname |
DIRDXXX4096 | Checkout (POST /checkout) | Merchant entered an invalid customer last name format | Field is an invalid name: customer.lname |
DIRDXXX5002 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to dynamically check the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX5014 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to update the transfer entry on the database | Failed to update the transaction |
DIRDXXX4065 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP did not include Creds or From or To or Amount parameter on the request body | Missing required fields |
DIRDXXX4058 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP did not include Creds.Identifier or Creds.Secret parameter on the request body | Missing credentials |
DIRDXXX4060 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Creds.Secret field is not empty | Credential secret should be empty for OAUTH type |
DIRDXXX4059 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Creds.Type is not supported | Credential type not supported |
DIRDXXX4020 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | terms_of_use_version is not included in the request body | Field is required: terms_of_use_version |
DIRDXXX4016 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | privacy_policy_version is not included in the request body | Field is required: privacy_policy_version |
DIRDXXX4021 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | include transaction_id is not included in the request body | Field is required: transaction_id |
DIRDXXX4026 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | invalid creds.type is not included in the request body | Field is invalid: creds.type |
DIRDXXX4007 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | required: creds.identifier is not included in the request body | Field is required: creds.identifier |
DIRDXXX4027 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | consent_granted was not included or was not pass “true”. When a user does not consent, PIDP shouls terminate transaction and not UpdateCheckout) | Field must be accepted and set to true: consent_granted |
DIRDXXX4028 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Invalid/unsupported source bank code. Option to select the bank on the bank selector page will be disabled | Bank code not supported |
DIRDXXX4029 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered a disabled source bank | The chosen source bank is currently not supported |
DIRDXXX4032 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered a disabled or unsupported bank pair | The chosen source and destination bank pair is currently not supported: <SOURCE_BANK> - <DEST_BANK> |
DIRDXXX4031 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered a disabled or unsupported bank pair | The chosen source and destination bank pair have different countries: <SOURCE_BANK> - <DEST_BANK> |
DIRDXXX4045 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered invalid currency basing from the source bank | Tnvalid currency value: <EXPECTED_CUR> - <ACTUAL_CUR> |
DIRDXXX5021 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System could not parse the intrabank minimum amount from config | Failed to parse intrabank min amount |
DIRDXXX5022 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System could not parse the intrabank maximum amount from config | Failed to parse intrabank max amount |
DIRDXXX5023 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System could not parse the interbank minimum amount from config | Failed to parse interbank min amount |
DIRDXXX5024 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System could not parse the interbank maximum amount from config | Failed to parse interbank max amount |
DIRDXXX5017 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to compare the transaction amount from the min and max allowed amount | Failed to compare transaction amount |
DIRDXXX5020 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to format transaction amount | Failed to format transaction amount |
DIRDXXX5018 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to format the minimum amount | Failed to format min amount |
DIRDXXX5019 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to format the maximum amount | Failed to format max amount |
DIRDXXX4043 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered an invalid transaction amount | Invalid amount - transaction amount <TXN_AMT> must be in between <MIN_AMT> and <MAX_AMT> |
DIRDXXX5033 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to determine if the current transaction is inter or intra bank | Unknown transfer type |
DIRDXXX4038 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | value that does not match with country value of that bank | Invalid source account value |
DIRDXXX4046 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered an invalid currency | Currency not supported |
DIRDXXX4044 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered an invalid transaction amount | Invalid transaction amount |
DIRDXXX4040 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for transactions in The Philippines | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 1.00 PHP minimum |
DIRDXXX4039 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for transactions made with ShopeePay (Indonesia) | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 1,00 IDR minimum |
DIRDXXX4042 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for transactions in Indonesia | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 10.000,00 IDR minimum |
DIRDXXX4041 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | PIDP entered an invalid transaction amount. Applicable for transactions in Thailand | Invalid amount - transaction value is below the 1.00 THB minimum |
DIRDXXX4038 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | From.Typeentered is not Bank, From.AccountNumber is empty or From.Country is Unknown/Empty | Invalid source account value |
DIRDXXX4035 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | To.Type entered is not Bank or To.AccountNumber is empty | Invalid destination account value |
DIRDXXX4037 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Payment channel selected has been disabled/unsupported. This error will be detected when Checkout API is call | The chosen payment channel is currently not supported |
DIRDXXX4030 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Source bank selected is unsupported by the settlement partner or payment channel. This error will be detected when Checkout API is call | The chosen source bank is not supported for transfers with this selected settlement partner |
DIRDXXX4034 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Invalid/unsupported settlement partner/payment channel selected for the transaction. This error will be detected when Checkout API is call | The chosen destination bank is not supported for transfers with this selected settlement partner |
DIRDXXX5028 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to validate the parameters before doing the fetch source account task | Failed to validate create transfer source account requests |
DIRDXXX5029 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to create the fsat record on the database | Failed to create fetch source account task record |
DIRDXXX5031 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to generate end user credential hash. Common errors are bankcode, username, or password was bypassed | Failed to compose end user credential hash |
DIRDXXX5040 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | System failed to parse the transaction amount | Failed to parse transaction amount |
DIRDXXX4086 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Merchant used an unsupported source bank for the hybrid flow | The chosen source bank is currently not supported for the hybrid flow |
DIRDXXX2002 | UpdateCheckout (PUT /checkout) | Specifies that the UpdateCheckout was called already for this transaction | Update checkout processing |
DIRDXXX5002 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX5027 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | System failed or empty source detected in account details from database. Fileds should be filled by Checkout and UpdateCheckout | Failed to fetch source account details |
DIRDXXX5015 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | System failed to commit and execute the transfer | Failed to confirm the transaction |
DIRDXXX4021 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | PIDP did not include transaction_id on the request body | Field is required: transaction_id |
DIRDXXX4018 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | PIDP did not include source_account_task_id on the request body | Field is required: source_account_task_id |
DIRDXXX4017 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | PIDP did not include source_account_id on the request body | Field is required: source_account_id |
DIRDXXX2001 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | Specifies that the ConfirmCheckout has already been called for this transaction | Confirm checkout processing |
DIRDXXX2004 | ConfirmCheckout (POST /checkout/confirm) | Multiple TFA required for authentication, options are: X, Y, Z | Multiple TFA required: x, y, z |
DIRDXXX5002 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX5041 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | System failed to settle the flagged transaction | Flagged transaction settlement failed |
DIRDXXX4021 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | Merchant did not include transaction_id on the request body | Field is required: transaction_id |
DIRDXXX4077 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | Merchant did not include status on the request body | Field is required: status |
DIRDXXX4091 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | Merchant passed an invalid value to status enum | Field is invalid: status |
DIRDXXX4092 | SettleCheckout (POST /checkout/settle) | Merchant passed an invalid transaction_id | Invalid transaction id |
DIRDXXX5002 | RetrieveBusinessInfo (GET /business_info) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | RetrieveBusinessInfo (GET /business_info) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | RetrieveBusinessInfo (GET /business_info) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4023 | RetrieveBusinessInfo (GET /business_info) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Field is an invalid uuid: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX5004 | RetrieveBusinessInfo (GET /business_info) | System failed to fetch the business info record on the database | Failed to retrieve business info record |
DIRDXXX5002 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4015 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include name on the request body | Field is required: name |
DIRDXXX4002 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include address_line1 on the request body | Field is required: address_line1 |
DIRDXXX4005 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include city on the request body | Field is required: city |
DIRDXXX4019 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include state_province on the request body | Field is required: state_province |
DIRDXXX4006 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include country on the request body | Field is required: country |
DIRDXXX4009 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include email_address on the request body | Field is required: email_address |
DIRDXXX4013 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include mobile_country_code on the request body | Field is required: mobile_country_code |
DIRDXXX4014 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | Control Center did not include mobile_number on the request body | Field is required: mobile_number |
DIRDXXX5005 | CreateBusinessInfo (POST /business_info) | System failed to create the business info record on the database | Failed to create business info record |
DIRDXXX5002 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4015 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include name on the request body | Field is required: name |
DIRDXXX4002 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include address_line1 on the request body | Field is required: address_line1 |
DIRDXXX4005 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include city on the request body | Field is required: city |
DIRDXXX4019 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include state_province on the request body | Field is required: state_province |
DIRDXXX4006 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include country on the request body | Field is required: country |
DIRDXXX4009 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include email_address on the request body | Field is required: email_address |
DIRDXXX4013 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include mobile_country_code on the request body | Field is required: mobile_country_code |
DIRDXXX4014 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center did not include mobile_number on the request body | Field is required: mobile_number |
DIRDXXX5005 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | System failed to create the business info record on the database | Failed to create business info record |
DIRDXXX4068 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | Control Center used an business info id that is non-existent | Matching business info not found |
DIRDXXX5006 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | System failed to update the business info record on the database | Failed to update business info record |
DIRDXXX5008 | UpsertBusinessInfo (PUT /business_info) | System failed to update the destination account records that are linked to the current business info on the database | Failed to update attached destination accounts |
DIRDXXX5002 | RetrieveDestinationAccount (GET /destination_account) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | RetrieveDestinationAccount (GET /destination_account) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | RetrieveDestinationAccount (GET /destination_account) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4023 | RetrieveDestinationAccount (GET /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Field is an invalid uuid: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX4024 | RetrieveDestinationAccount (GET /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid destination_account_id | Field is an invalid uuid: destination_account_id |
DIRDXXX5002 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4001 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center did not include account_number on the request body | Field is required: account_number |
DIRDXXX4003 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center did not include bank_code on the request body | Field is required: bank_code |
DIRDXXX4004 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center did not include business_info_id on the request body | Field is required: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX4011 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center did not include holder_first_name on the request body | Field is required: holder_first_name |
DIRDXXX4012 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center did not include holder_last_name on the request body | Field is required: holder_last_name |
DIRDXXX4010 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center did not include holder_email on the request body (It is only required when on BRI) | Field is required: holder_email |
DIRDXXX4022 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid email for holder_email | Field is an invalid email: holder_email |
DIRDXXX4023 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Field is an invalid uuid: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX5004 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Failed to retrieve business info record |
DIRDXXX4067 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center passed a disabled business_info_id | Business info is currently disabled |
DIRDXXX4025 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Field is invalid, reference not found: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX5007 | CreateDestinationAccount (POST /destination_account) | System failed to create destination account record on the database | Failed to create destination account record |
DIRDXXX5002 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4004 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center did not include business_info_id on the request body | Field is required: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX4024 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid destination_account_id | Field is an invalid uuid: destination_account_id |
DIRDXXX4023 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Field is an invalid uuid: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX4003 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center did not include bank_code on the request body | Field is required: bank_code |
DIRDXXX4001 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center did not include account_number on the request body | Field is required: account_number |
DIRDXXX4011 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center did not include holder_first_name on the request body | Field is required: holder_first_name |
DIRDXXX4012 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center did not include holder_last_name on the request body | Field is required: holder_last_name |
DIRDXXX4010 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center did not include holder_email on the request body (It is only required when on BRI) | Field is required: holder_email |
DIRDXXX4022 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid email for holder_email | Field is an invalid email: holder_email |
DIRDXXX5004 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Failed to retrieve business info record |
DIRDXXX4067 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center passed a disabled business_info_id | Business info is currently disabled |
DIRDXXX4025 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | Control Center passed an invalid business_info_id | Field is invalid, reference not found: business_info_id |
DIRDXXX5007 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | System failed to create destination account record on the database | Failed to create destination account record |
DIRDXXX5010 | UpsertDestinationAccount (PUT /destination_account) | System failed to update destination account record on the database | Failed to update destination account record |
DIRDXXX5002 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX5014 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | System failed to update the transfer entry on the database | Failed to update the transaction |
DIRDXXX4018 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | PIDP did not include source_account_task_id on the request body (This is required if transaction_id is not specified) | Field is required: source_account_task_id |
DIRDXXX4021 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | PIDP did not include transaction_id on the request body (This is required if source_account_task_id is not specified) | Field is required: transaction_id |
DIRDXXX5016 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | System could not terminate the given transaction | Failed to terminate transaction |
DIRDXXX5019 | Terminate (POST /terminate) | No fund transfer task found for given transaction | No fund transfer task exists |
DIRDXXX5002 | RetrieveBanks (GET /banks) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | RetrieveBanks (GET /banks) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | RetrieveBanks (GET /banks) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX5034 | RetrieveBanks (GET /banks) | System failed to fetch the supported source banks from integrations | Failed to retrieve supported banks |
DIRDXXX5002 | RetrieveCallbackURL (GET /callback_url) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | RetrieveCallbackURL (GET /callback_url) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | RetrieveCallbackURL (GET /callback_url) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX5035 | RetrieveCallbackURL (GET /callback_url) | System failed to fetch callback urls from the database | Failed to retrieve callback urls |
DIRDXXX5002 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4073 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | Control Center passed an invalid callback url identifier | Field is an invalid uuid: id |
DIRDXXX4074 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | Control Center passed an invalid description which exceeds the limit | Field is greater than the allowed size, length, or value: description, may not be greater than 255 |
DIRDXXX4075 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | Control Center did not include url on the request body | Field is required: url |
DIRDXXX4076 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | Control Center passed an invalid url which exceeds the limit | Field is greater than the allowed size, length, or value: url, may not be greater than 255 |
DIRDXXX4077 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | Control Center did not include status on the request body | Field is required: status |
DIRDXXX5036 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | System failed to create callback url record on the database | Failed to create callback url record |
DIRDXXX5037 | UpsertCallbackURL (PUT /callback_url) | System failed to update callback url record on the database | Failed to update callback url record |
DIRDXXX5002 | RetrieveReport (GET /report) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | RetrieveReport (GET /report) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | RetrieveReport (GET /report) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4078 | RetrieveReport (GET /report) | Direct Dashboard passed an invalid date format | Field must be on YYYY-MM-DD date format: date |
DIRDXXX4079 | RetrieveReport (GET /report) | Direct Dashboard did not include type on the request body | Field is required: type |
DIRDXXX5038 | RetrieveReport (GET /report) | System failed to fetch report entries from the database | Failed to retrieve reports |
DIRDXXX5002 | CreateReport (POST /report) | System could not locate the metadata of the request | Could not read metadata from context |
DIRDXXX5003 | CreateReport (POST /report) | System could not read the org_id of the request | Could not read organization ID from metadata |
DIRDXXX5043 | CreateReport (POST /report) | System failed to dynamically sanitize the request parameters | Failed to sanitize parameters |
DIRDXXX4078 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin passed an invalid date format | Field must be on YYYY-MM-DD date format: date |
DIRDXXX4079 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin did not include type on the request body | Field is required: type |
DIRDXXX4006 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin did not include country on the request body | Field is required: country |
DIRDXXX5039 | CreateReport (POST /report) | System failed to execute report generation | Failed to instantiate report generator |
DIRDXXX5044 | CreateReport (POST /report) | System failed to create a report record on the database | Failed to create report record |
DIRDXXX4097 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin did not include from_date on the request body | Field is required: from_date |
DIRDXXX4098 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin passed an invalid from_date format | Field must be on YYYY-MM-DD date format: from_date |
DIRDXXX4099 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin did not include to_date on the request body | Field is required: to_date |
DIRDXXX4100 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin passed an invalid to_date format or value | Field must be on YYYY-MM-DD date format and must be equal or after that the date specified: to_date |
DIRDXXX4101 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin passed an invalid value to country enum | Field is invalid: country |
DIRDXXX4102 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin passed an invalid value to type enum | Field is invalid: type |
DIRDXXX4103 | CreateReport (POST /report) | Admin passed an invalid timezone value on timezone | Field is an invalid timezone: timezone |
DIRDXXX4088 | Open Short Redirect URI (GET /tap/xxxx) | no shortcode provided | |
DIRDXXX4089 | Open Short Redirect URI (GET /tap/xxxx) | no data available for given input | |
DIRDXXX4090 | Open Short Redirect URI (GET /tap/xxxx) | link expired | |
DIRDXXX5046 | RetrieveTransactionLogs (GET /transaction/log) | System failed to fetch transaction logs | Error retrieving transaction logs |
DIRDXXX5050 | RetryCheckout (POST /checkout/retry) | System failed to retry transaction | Failed to retry transaction |
DIRDXXX4104 | RetryCheckout (POST /checkout/retry) | User attempted to perform retry to a transaction that has an ineligible status | Transaction not eligible for a retry |
DIRDXXX5048 | BankTransactionsSummaryAlert | System failed to load Asia/Manila timezone into the application | Failed to load timezone |
Updated almost 3 years ago