A step-by-step guide on how to install Tap SDK on iOS.
Visit our (Brankas Collection for iOS), to see a sample project of how to integrate the SDK.
Minimum Requirements
- Xcode 14 but preferably the latest version
- Minimum Target iOS Deployment: iOS 12
- Minimum Swift Tools Version: 5.3 but preferably the latest version
This set of instructions assumes that the IDE being used is Xcode
- The framework can be integrated to the project through the use of SPM (Swift Package Manager). To integrate, select your project, Package Dependencies and + button
- On the search bar, enter the URL: Wait for the repository to be loaded and select Add Package
- Select your desired products e.g. DirectTap and Add Package
- Check if package has already been added as a dependency
- Go to Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content and check if the selected framework has been added
- The application can now be run without any additional dependency.
To update the framework to the latest version, go to File > Packages > Update to Latest Package Versions
Updated about 1 year ago